
The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology is a centre for research in the plant diseases and microbiology at National Taiwan University. It is committed to basic research in plant pathology and microbiology as well as to the application of plant protection and microbial resources.

The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at National Taiwan University was officially established in 2003. Over the years, the Department has developed well-balanced research, extension and teaching programs that emphasise applied plant disease management and a pursuit of new knowledge of use in controlling plant diseases.

The department offers BS, MS, and PhD degree programs with a current enrolment of 120 undergraduate and 50 graduate students. For prospective students, postdoctoral scientists and visiting scholars, our department offers exclusive opportunities throughout the country to work with a broad range of crops and plant diseases of national and international importance.

The mission of our department is to engage in excellence research, education, and outreach in plant pathology and microbiology with importance on the understanding of relationships among microbes, their hosts, and the environment, and on the management of diseases and other threats impacting agricultural and natural ecosystems, food safety, and human and environmental health. Our faculty is focused on professional priorities for novel research, excellence in mentoring of students, and productivity in scholarship and outreach service to society. We strive for the highest commitments to creativity, honesty, and mutual respect.

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Research results

芽孢桿菌防治馬鈴薯瘡痂病之可能性與機制?(陳穎練老師實驗室 林芝、馮如瑩、陳奕璇)

馬鈴薯瘡痂病主要由革蘭氏陽性細菌─鏈黴菌 Streptomyces scabies造成,受感染之薯塊表面呈現木栓化及凹陷病斑,使馬鈴薯薯塊品質降低。此病在全球及台灣的主要產區─雲林縣、台中市及嘉義縣皆嚴重發生,但目前仍沒有推薦且有效的防治方法,以致造成農損嚴重。本實驗室與農試所蔡佳欣博士進行研究合作發現「液化澱粉芽孢桿菌」 (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Ba01)能於田間試驗有效抑制瘡痂病的發生(為全球首篇田間試驗論文),防治率達61%。...更多



褐根病菌空降部隊的威脅 — 擔孢子傳播

褐根病菌也有屬於自己的空降部隊,它能形成平伏狀 (flat type) 及托狀 (bracket type) 的子實體,褐根病菌子實體為多年生,剖面可觀察到層疊狀的構造,為過去不同時間生成的子實層,最外層的灰色子實層為新鮮形成,可產生有性繁殖的產孢構造—擔子 (basidium),進一步產生可被風力傳播之擔孢子 (basidiospore)...更多


褐根病(Brown root rot)是近年來赫赫有名、對樹木極具威脅性的敵人,除了臺港澳門等熱帶與亞熱帶地區的都市林,包括美屬西太平洋群島、日本琉球群島上的森林都受到嚴重的褐根病危害。當褐根病菌(Phellinus noxius)入侵樹木的根部組織,便會開始大肆破壞,造成木材組織的腐朽,原本堅固的根變得脆弱,影響根系吸收土壤中的養分,甚至因為支撐力下降而容易倒伏。...更多 



Deciphering brown root rot disease of trees ─ The comparative and population genomics landscape of Phellinus noxius

In a joint international effort led by Dr. Isheng J. Tsai from the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, and Dr. Chia-Lin Chung from the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology of National Taiwan University (NTU), who collaborated with the Japan Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, University of Miyazaki, Japan, as well as Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute and NTU’s Department of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering, a reference genome of P. noxius and high-quality assemblies of three closely related Hymenochaetales species (the wood-decomposing fungus P. lamaensis, the laminated root rot fungus P. sulphurascens and the trunk pathogen Porodaedalea pini) were released. ...Learn More