Academic Activities

Category Title Date
Seminars Speaker: 陳林祈 教授
Topic: 【植微講座】From aptamers to decoy oligonucleotides - Toward intracellular protein targeting and gene regulation
Date: 2017-12-07
Seminars Speaker: Associate Prof. Roland Kirschner
Topic: 【植微講座】Fungal diversity of coastal and aquatic plants in Taiwan
Date: 2017-11-30
News 【植微講座】農藥減量(動植物防疫檢疫局-馮海東副局長) 2017-11-23
Seminars Speaker: 馮海東 副局長
Topic: Reducing pesticide use
Date: 2017-11-23
News 【植微講座】台灣機能性米食開發與產銷(亞洲瑞思生物科技公司-洪建龍 總經理) 2017-11-09
Seminars Speaker: 陳潔音 博士
Topic: 【植微講座】Phylogenetic analysis, metabolites profiling, and bioactivities investigation of Antrodia salmonea
Date: 2017-11-09
News 「Special Seminar on Phytobiomes」台北場圓滿落幕 2017-10-30
Seminars Speaker: 洪建龍 博士
Topic: 【植微講座】臺灣機能性米食加工品發展
Date: 2017-11-02
News 【植微講座】The code within the code: codon usage influences gene expression through both translational and transcriptional processes (成大生化所 余建泓助理教授) 2017-10-26
Seminars Speaker: 余建泓 助理教授
Topic: 【植微講座】The code within the code: codon usage influences gene expression through both translational and transcriptional processes
Date: 2017-10-26