Academic Activities

Category Title Date
Seminars Speaker: Shinsuke Agehara 博士
Topic: Crop Stress Management Strategies to Improve Strawberry Productivity in Subtropical Environments
Date: 2019-06-24
News 【植微講座】 Farmer service and communication skills (CropLife Taiwan 秦葆驊理事長) 2019-06-10
Highlights 107學年第二學期研究生論文成果發表會 2019-05-30
News 【植微講座】Phellinus noxious (Pyrrhoderma noxium) on islands in the Pacific: Genetic studies and possible controls of this pathogen (美國林務署森林病理學家 Dr. Philip G. Cannon) 2019-05-30
Seminars Speaker: Dr. Philip G. Cannon
Topic: Initial observations on the distribution, genetic relationships and management of Phyrrodema noxium root and butt rot in trees on the U.S. Affiliated Islands of the Pacific
Date: 2019-05-24
News 【植微講座】生物農藥之研發實例-枯草桿菌KHY8微生物製劑(高雄區農業改良場 陳泰元助理研究員) 2019-05-20
News 植病防治法課程於臺大校園示範樹醫診療 2019-04-11
Events 系學會 台灣香蕉研究所參訪 2019-04-10
Events 【活動回顧】病害診斷校外教學 2019-04-08
News 「108年學生農業職涯探索」活動即日起受理申請 2019-04-01